Schedule a Seminar
We offer seminars to local businesses who would like to have “lunch and learns” or other workshop’s focused on nutrition and healing the body naturally. Reach out below and let us know what you might be interested in having us share about! We also ask that if you want to host a workshop, that you plan for there to be 10 or more guests in attendance. All who attend will receive a FREE Health Screening!
Share the fun and experience whether at home or at an organization with a “Share the Care Tea Party.” Invite 10 friends, family, or guests/members (must have at least 10 in attendance), and you and your guest will receive a FREE Health Screening!
Seminar Topics:
Sleep Disorders (Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Restless Leg, Snoring, etc.)
Neck and Back Pain (Pain Management)
Digestive Health (Heartburn, GERN, Irritable Bowl, Crohn’s, Leaky Gut, etc.)
Mental Health (Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, ADD/ADHA, Alzheimer’s)
Allergies/Asthma (Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, Coughs - How to Handle Naturally)
Heart Health (High/Low Blood Pressure, Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Attack)
Arthritis (Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis/porosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Weight Loss (Dieting, Binging, Family Trait, Stomach Bypass Surgery)
Stress and Fatigue (Exhaustion, Nervousness, Irritability, Moods)
Headaches (Different Types, Causes and Natural Solutions)
Skin Care (Psoriasis, Eczema, Rashes, Hair Loss, Dy Skin, Wrinkles)
And so many more!