Heart Rate Variability
Allows us to show you where your level of health truly is and your health progression.
What is Heart Rate Variability?
Heart Rate Variability refers to the variability, or difference in the length of time of each heartbeat, one after another. Heart rate is a function of and directly controlled by the two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS): SNS (Sympathetic Nervous System - increases heart rate) and PSNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System (reduces heart rate). The “heart rate/minute” is the average number of beats per minute, and the length of each beat may vary from one beat to the next. This is what is meant by the term heart rate variability.
The best part about this test is that through it we can track the functioning of your Autonomic Nervous System, and more specifically the SNS and PSNS. No other HRV unit does this in a way that parallels the equipment we use or how we use it. There are two main components we use that set it apart: the Physical Fitness Graph and the Nerve Express Graph.
Physical Fitness Graph
This test is perfect for a broad range of people; from the sick and elderly to amateur sports and fitness fans to professional athletes. The main value comes from being able to track changes, both major and minor, in your life, nutrition, energy, vitality, and both emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s not a one-time test, but a test we use to monitor your progress. Through this specific test, we can see your body’s adaptability (your “health insurance”) and how much of your body has improved. Check out the graph below to see an example!
Nerve Express Graph
This test give us similar results to the Physical Fitness Graph, but in another way. It records the status of the ANS, by showing the state of the body’s PSNS and SNS. Check out the graph below to see an example!